Saturday, July 25, 2009


Into each project some rain must is my day. It's raining outside and inside!

I am eager to complete our tiny bath remodel and move outside to enjoy what is left of our summer and the bounty of our garden. I popped out of bed this morning eager to prime and paint after last night's sanding. With a smile on my face and a ray of hope in my heart that we can finish our Master Bath this weekend, and once again have a towel bar and a robe hook, I began priming and painting.

As I began cutting in with the primer I realized two things; it was pouring rain outside and...there is just a ton of weirds walls, cabinets, etc. to cut in around - this is going to take a while. Uhg.

Also, as I had suspected, there will be a bit more patching required. The more I paint, the more I see to patch. Steve thinks I am being a (One or two contractors have complained about this character trait/flaw in the past.) Just a little set back...I can hit those spots.

And then it happened, I noticed strange things forming on the wall where I was applying the paint. It's looking a bit like cottage cheese on the walls. Remnants of the wall paper paste!! I have heard about how awful it is to take walls back to paint after they have been wall covered. Here it is. Muck on my walls and in my paint. Black storm clouds outside and inside.

I quickly scrubbed down the walls, yet again, and am back at it, swearing that this project MUST end soon. I am mulling over how typical this scenario is; as the project drags on and the homeowners are eager to have their lives back to normal, something happens to temporarily stall the project and...there's a melt down. Familiar???

So...after a break and a bit of blogging, I am back at it. I have lots of time to think while I am cutting in around every door, window, cabinet (3) and weird angle in our tiny, tight bath and I just keep repeating to myself...I can finish this...I can finish this...I can finish this. Or, in Bob the Builder's terms...can I finish this? Yes, I can!!!

rain, rain, go away...come again another day!

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